Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I combine all forms into one page rather than currently two step approach?

Its by design that it will take customers to second page that will show them the products they have entered and more details they need to enter.

Although you made extra fields (names, address and email) on the first input form, its better to delete these fields and use those fields on the second page.

  • The customer fields on the second page is validated, e.g email address is validated to make sure its an email, country and states drop down etc.
  • The second page allow customer to register multiple products/warranties, also provide them to review it before submit.
  • By removing those the extra fields you setup on first input will make the first input form smaller which make customer engagement easier.

More importantly the second page customer form provide a consistent fields to collect customer information which is essential (those extra fields can be delete or added in the future that will cause data to be inconsistent)

How to hide the Serial Number field?

You can hide the serial number field by adding the following CSS styling code to your theme.

#mpr-product-inputs .form-group:nth-child(2) {

display: none;


  1. Shopify Admin > Online Store > Themes > Current Theme > Actions > Edit Code
  2. In the theme editor search for "style" or "scss" , you will see a file name "styles.scss.liquid" or "main.scss.liquid" show up under Assets
  3. Open the file and then copy the above code to the bottom of the file, then Preview it, Save it once you happy with the result.

How to hide the product field?

Please see the how to hide serial number field above, but using the following code instead

#mpr-product-inputs .form-group:nth-child(1) {

display: none;


There is a settings in App Admin > Settings > General to for hide the product field.

How to hide the registration date field?

Please see the how to hide serial number field above, but using the following code instead

#mpr-product-inputs .form-group:nth-child(3) {

display: none;


How to make the product name as a dropdown list

To enable a customer to select a list of products within a dropdown, it will have to do two things

  1. Create a collection that contains all the products you want to appear in the dropdown list, also make sure this list is not visible on frontend if you don't want display on the frontend, here is how you can create Collection in Shopify
  2. Once the collection is created, you will need to go to App Admin > Settings > General > Enable Limit Product Search, then enable the dropdown mode and select a Collection, finally Save Settings at the bottom of the page

I like the app, how do I write review for it

Glad you like the app, we work hard to make it better everyday.

You can using the following link or in the Shopify Admin > Apps > My Product Registration > View Details > Write Review.

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